Poor posture can contribute to back and neck pain, muscle imbalances, and other musculoskeletal problems. Incorporating specific exercises and practices into your daily routine can help strengthen muscles, improve alignment, and alleviate pain. Without good posture, the body starts to suffer quickly from the effects of gravity, and it's one of the most common issues with a sedentary lifestyle. Advanced Family Chiropractic and Rehabilitation in Imperial, MO, can assist you with these corrective exercises.

Good Posture Reduces Back Pain

Our chiropractor can help with back pain treatments to reduce the chronic recurrence of pain and improve posture as a preventative approach. Not only will this relieve the body of current pain from reclining, sitting, or standing. Our practice also helps build core strength, preventing back and stomach pain.

Treatment for Previous Posture Problems

Part of getting started with good posture is obtaining a break from the limiting effects of bad posture in the first place. Back pain treatments from our chiropractor can help back pain relief. Once the body can rest, it begins to heal and repair the damage caused, even if bad posture has been a chronic issue for years. After the necessary adjustments, lifestyle changes can be applied going forward.

Call Advanced Family Chiropractic and Rehabilitation

Advanced Family Chiropractic and Rehabilitation in Imperial, MO, is ready to help if you need back pain relief, to begin with posture improvement. We treat patients regularly, and the combination of back pain relief with posture training has amazing results in recovery for many. It's always possible to change and improve your posture, even if you've been slouching for years. Stop the downward cycle and help your body recover. Call us at (636) 464-5900 to schedule an appointment.


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