Viewing 1 - 16 out of 63 posts


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How to Relieve Neck Pain with a Chiropractor

Neck pain can be a real drag, limiting your daily activities and overall well-being. If you're searching for an effective solution, look no further than Advanced Family Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Read More

Back Pain after an Auto Accident

After an auto accident, there are several things you should do. Call the police, call your insurance company, and call a chiropractor near you. In Imperial, MO, Advanced Family Chiropractic Read More

How Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care Can Help You

Whether you have chronic back pain or frequent headaches, the discomfort can prevent you from completing certain tasks and impact your quality of life. At Advanced Family Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Read More

Acupuncture for Headaches

Headaches can be debilitating and affect our ability to work, socialize, and enjoy life to the fullest. Chiropractic & Rehabilitation in Imperial, MO, we provide various treatments, including acupuncture, to Read More

Benefits of Acupuncture

If you’re experiencing back pain or frequent headaches, the discomfort can prevent you from completing daily tasks and affect your quality of life. At Advanced Family Chiropractic and Rehabilitation in Read More

The Importance of Choosing the Proper Backpack

Your to-do list is filled with tasks to prepare for the school year, including buying the right items. Amidst all the planning, our team at Advanced Family Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Read More

Posture Correction and Back Pain Exercises

Poor posture can contribute to back and neck pain, muscle imbalances, and other musculoskeletal problems. Incorporating specific exercises and practices into your daily routine can help strengthen muscles, improve alignment, Read More

Common Reasons Kids See Chiropractors

Children need chiropractic care to align the spine and eliminate other imbalances that affect movement. Chiropractic care for children tends to be gentle and modified according to the child’s age Read More

Can the Results of Spinal Decompression Last?

Spinal decompression is a treatment method utilized when a compressed spine has led to an injury or pain. Though it’s a very effective method, many people ask if the results Read More

Cold Laser Therapy for Pain Relief with Our Chiropractor

Technological advances have allowed chiropractors to provide safer and more effective treatment methods for pain relief, including cold laser therapy. What is it? How does it work? And what are Read More

Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy with Our Chiropractor

Cold laser therapy is one of several safe, natural, and effective chiropractic methods to help you achieve health and healing. Our Advanced Family Chiropractic & Rehabilitation team is happy to Read More

At What Age Can a Child See a Chiropractor?

Did you know that children can also benefit from chiropractic care? In Imperial, MO, you can get help from us at Advanced Family Chiropractic and Rehabilitation to work with your Read More

Why Should Kids Get Adjusted?

A chiropractic adjustment refers to applying pressure to misaligned joints to relieve pain and restore a normal range of motion. Often associated with treating back pain, chiropractic adjustment can also Read More

Chiropractic Adjustment vs. Spinal Decompression

If you are living with back pain, chiropractic care offers non-invasive treatment to alleviate the pain and prevent it from reoccurring. Chiropractic adjustment and spinal decompression are both used to Read More

Chiropractic Care to Boost Your Immune System

At Advanced Family Chiropractic and Rehabilitation in Imperial, MO, we can help answer that question for you. While we offer a wide variety of chiropractic services ranging from medical care Read More

Chiropractic Care for Pain Relief

Pain is never good for your body. While you can ignore an occasional pain here or an ache there, you should seek chiropractic treatment if pain diminishes your quality of Read More

Viewing 1 - 16 out of 63 posts


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